
Cirtronics opts for uniquely employee-friendly Align® adjustable-height workstations December 05, 2012


Cirtronics Corporation, Milford, NH. Full-service contract electronic manufacturer with emphasis on custom circuit boards.


When Cirtronics moved from batch manufacturing to lean manufacturing, the company needed to replace its old, awkwardly large, stationary tables with new individual workstations.


Cirtronics was looking for workstations that would contribute to its goals of

  • quicker turnarounds
  • lower inventory exposure
  • higher quality
  • more responsive delivery
  • meeting the requirements of its own employees


Cirtronics was already using about 40 different workbenches from LISTA throughout their facility, and was satisfied with everything these benches brought to the proverbial table. But the company wanted to give the employees a chance to experience all the options and be involved in the final decision-making process. After this hands-on trial period, the team decided to purchase 35 Align® Adjustable Height Workstations from LISTA, to be used in every department including assembly, inspection, machining and many others.

"Aesthetics and flexibility were two key traits that swayed the decision toward the Align® workstation. We were particularly impressed with the Align® workstation's structural support, sturdiness and heavy gauge metal. The Align® bench fits our high quality image. Competitive workbenches were not well made, and not pleasing to the eye. The Align® bench is much more customizable than the competitive solutions, an extremely important attribute. We wanted a long term solution, not a quick fix. LISTA's Align® bench is a good choice because it can grow with us."

  – Irene Lemay, Team Facilitator

"Our old stationary worktables were not ergonomic. Align® benches are customized for each worker, both in terms of worksurface height and options. Thanks to the benches' Nexus accessory system, the lighting is completely adjustable and glare-free. The bins are stored on the Align® shelves, which is much more efficient than having bins all over the table. We also now use an automatic re-supply system, meaning if one bin empties, there is another bin right behind it that is full of the same part."

  – Nancy Guidice, Director of HR Training


Now each employee has their own workspace, custom-configured for their needs.

"It's so great having a bench that's this flexible. I look at my Align® and think, 'Now this is my table.' " 

  – Kristin Betty, Prep/Assembler

And Cirtronics has a workspace system that perfectly suits their lean manufacturing approach.

"As we grow, we will definitely order more Align® benches to suit our needs."

  – Irene Lemay
