
New England Dealership’s Storage Wall Stands the Test of Time October 22, 2011


AlphaCars and Ural of New England - AlphaCars and Ural of New England is a one-stop service facility, specializing in service and repairs of all systems in such high-end vehicles as BMW, Mercedes, Mini, Land Rover, Porsche, Audi, and Volkswagen. The Boxborough, MA dealership also services Russian-made Ural motorcycles, one of a very few in the region to do so.


Installation of the storage wall with the tambour doors went very smoothly, but after a few years AlphaCars had issues with several of the pull-down tambour doors, which got heavy use. Bykhovsky was extremely pleased that LISTA provided replacement doors free of charge. Then, nearly a decade after the installation, AlphaCars noticed issues with the doors again; they found they wouldn't move freely up and down and required a lot of tinkering to keep operational.

LISTA again provided replacement doors at no charge, but by this time, they had a new style and door design, which Bykhovsky was concerned didn't match the other doors, and that the two styles took away from the quality image they had worked so hard to achieve. He contacted LISTA and was amazed and delighted by their response. "LISTA came out and replaced all the doors with the new style, which I find unbelievable from a customer service point of view after ten years," said Bykhovsky."


About a decade ago, AlphaCars completed a new service facility, patterned more on the lines of a car museum than a classic service facility. Completely tiled and fitted out with a sleek and modern interior, owner and general manager Dmitry Bykhovsky was looking for a tool storage solution that would fit well within the atmosphere he was going for.


Bykhovsky was able to custom-design the space so the entire front wall of the service bays is a large storage wall with integrated workbench, toolbox and storage. Roll down tambour doors gave him just the clean, streamlined look he envisioned for the space. After comparing LISTA's integrated storage wall with other high quality toolbox solutions, AlphaCars ultimately decided to go with the LISTA solution. They then worked closely with LISTA's Joe Alfieri to customize the solution. "They had three work areas and were looking for a storage solution across a 50-foot wall with integrated benches and storage," said Alfieri.


"All the technicians have all their tools and supplies right there in the storage wall directly in front of their bay. We helped them plan out the thickness needed for drawer tools and sockets. We also suggested the roll down tambour doors, so they can pull the doors down and the shop always looks nice and neat. If customers are out there, they don't see all the tools and supplies. I think they came up with a really sharp looking solution." 

